Wood Gasification
Wood gasification is the most efficient process available for wood burning. Wood gas is generated in a high temperature reaction (>700° F) between the wood and a limited amount of oxygen. The heat and lack of oxygen “bakes” the wood, causing the gases in the wood to be released.
The wood gas mixture that is created in the firebox then gets forced through the base of the fire along with any ash that would come with it and burned at temperatures around 2000° F in the gasification chamber. This creates a very hot, very clean burn which helps you get the most out of your fuel. After the gas is burned, the heat is transferred to the water jacket using the heat exchange tubes. Normal exit temperatures of the exhaust are 200 – 300 F.
The most notable indicator of effective gasification is the lack of smoke exiting the chimney.
The gasification process creates longer burn times and can reduce wood consumption as much as 50% compared to a standard wood furnace.
What does it mean for you?
- Less wood cutting
- Less ash removal
- Fewer emissions
- Fewer trips to the furnace
Bottom line – more heat for less